Organic tea, diseases, microbes, Trichoderma, Bacillus, PseudomonasAbstract
Tea (Camellia spp.) is one of the most economically important plantation crops and the second-largest non-alcoholic beverage in the world next to water being consumed by people in different forms. It is cultivated mainly in Assam, West Bengal covering the regions such as Darjeeling, Dooars, Terai, and South India in about 6.36 lakh hectares with a production of about 1338 million Kg made teas. Darjeeling tea is world famous for its specific aroma and flavor whereas Assam is known for premier CTC teas. Among various challenges encountered on its bountiful production and desired quality, the occurrence of numerous diseases is one of the major factors. Different fungal and one algal genus are considered as the major phytopathogens to cause leaf, stem, and root diseases. Blight (blister, gray, and brown), dieback, charcoal stem rot, root rot (brown and violet), and black rot are the major threat to tea sustainability. These diseases can be managed through the timely adoption of good agricultural practices. For the past couple of decades, due to the increased awareness about the adverse effects of synthetic fungicides usage, people have been looking for ideal alternative strategies to take care of tea diseases in India under the organic production system. Microbes such as genus Trichoderma, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Actinomycetes are capable of providing a protective umbrella to this crop against different diseases.
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