Bombyx mori, Silk Fibroin, Telmisartan, Nanospheres, Drug deliveryAbstract
Objective: The aim of the present work was to formulate silk fibroin (SF) nanospheres (NS’s) for drug delivery application. The current study was designed to advance the water solubility and bio-availability of telmisartan by nanoprecipitation method.
Methods: SF NS’s loaded with TS were prepared by nanoprecipitation method. The drug was dissolved in aqueous solution of SF by using acetone as a non-solvent. The prepared NS’s were then characterized by FTIR, X-ray diffraction and zeta potential, and were evaluated for its, surface morphology, %drug content, encapsulation efficiency and in vitro drug release.
Results: The evaluation results of SF NS’s loaded of TS showed 74.22±0.17 % entrapment efficiency, 35.21±0.02 % of drug loading, and-4.9 mV to-13.6 mV of zeta potential due to the proper bounding of TS with the β-sheets of SF, the particle size reported was within the size range of 160-186 nm having smooth surface and were spherical in shape. The SFNS’s pattern switched from random coil to β-sheet formation on treating with acetone. FTIR and DSC studies marked no such inter-molecular interactions between SF and drug molecules. The % cumulative in vitro drug release from SF NS’s exhibited quick burst release. The in vitro cumulative drug release of SF NS’s of TS it was found that about 74% of the drug was released within 8 h and about 96% of drug released at 24 hr. The rate of drug release increased with the increase in SF ratio.
Conclusion: It is believed that these SF NS’s will find potential applications in drug delivery release as drug carriers, especially poor water-soluble drugs. All these results proposed that SF NS’s are eventuality handy in various drug delivery systems.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Shahid UD Din Wani, Gangadharappa H. V., Ashish N. P.

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