Financial technology, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, AI, Machine learning, Regulatory technology, Blockchain, Robotic process automation, Security and exchange commissionAbstract
Fintech refers to the use of technology to improve client use and delivery of financial services organizations’ offerings. It mostly works by breaking down the packages that these companies offer and creating fresh opportunities for them. Companies in finance-related industries that use fintech have used technology to lower operating costs and promote financial inclusion. Robo-advisors, transaction apps, peer-to-peer (P2P) financing apps, investment apps, and cryptocurrency apps are a few examples of fintech applications. In addition, this research article includes technical breakthroughs such as automation, artificial intelligence, and blockchain that have improved service delivery, reduced costs, and increased efficiency in the financial business. However, since banks may assist companies in more efficient resource allocation, the role of markets in providing financial operations is called into question. Therefore, statutory processes transform the global financial landscape, regulatory frameworks play a critical role in balancing process innovation with political aims. Consequently, it is recommended for future research that any upcoming studies in this area look at the possibility of a few significant economic variables influencing the relationship under investigation in the sector of financial technology.
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