
  • ZULFKAR LATIEF QADRIE Department of Pharmacology, CT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CT Group of Institutions, Jalandhar, India
  • SHAHID UD DIN WANI Department of Pharmaceutics, CT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CT Group of Institutions, Jalandhar, India
  • SURYA PRAKASH GAUTAM Department of Pharmaceutics, CT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, CT Group of Institutions, Jalandhar, India
  • M. KHALID AHMED KHAN Assistant Drugs Controller, Drugs Control Department, Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India




WHO, Coronavirus, Polymerase chain reaction, COVID-19, Antiviral therapy


The outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause during December 2019 was reported from Wuhan City, Hubei province capital in China as its epicenter. Symptoms of pneumonia in several patients admitted to hospitals from Wuhan, China during December 2019. The sudden increase in the patients having the same symptoms, in due course the contributing means was isolated from the infected populace. In the present short report, we have summarized various public health measures, viz., early marking of the suspected patient, diagnosis, and supervision of the suspected cases that will help prevent Coronavirus disease in 2019. At the start, it was named as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and later it has been named Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) recently. Within a few weeks of a short period, the virus affected the other of China after Wuhan and later in two to three months, it is present in more than 140 countries around the globe and adding. As of 03rd August 2020, there have been 17.6 million established cases worldwide, and 680, 894 deaths have been documented, with 11,460,074 recovered. Worldwide, multiple trails are going on with the hope to find the treatment and some have positive results. On the other hand, because no vaccine is offered, the precautionary methods are the best way to fight the virus.


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How to Cite

QADRIE, Z. L., S. U. D. WANI, S. P. GAUTAM, and M. K. A. KHAN. “OUTBREAK, EPIDEMIOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS AND PREVENTION OF CORONAVIRUS DISEASE-2019: A REVIEW”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12, no. 5, Sept. 2020, pp. 1-4, doi:10.22159/ijcpr.2020v12i5.39755.



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