
  • Sulbha R. Fukte Department of pharmaceutics, NDMVPS College of Pharmacy, Nashik, India
  • Milind P. Wagh Department of QAT, NDMVPS College of Pharmacy, Nashik, India.
  • Shilpi Rawat Department of QAT, NDMVPS College of Pharmacy, Nashik, India


Cocrystal, Coformer, Supramolecular synthon, Cambridge structural database, Hansen solubility parameter


Cocrystals are multicomponent system in which one component is Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and another is called coformer. So coformer selection is one of the main challenge in cocrystal development which is compatible with API. A general approach to coformer selection is by tactless†cocrystal screening, whereby a predetermined library of pharmaceutically acceptable/approved compounds is used to attempt cocrystallization. In cocrystal development one of the approach of coformer selection is based on trial and error. Other approaches are supramolecular synthon approach which utilizes Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) to effectively prioritize coformers for crystal form screening, Hansen solubility parameter and knowledge of hydrogen bonding between coformer and API. In this review, all the parameters are explain and correlate with each other and with cocrystal formation


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How to Cite

Fukte, S. R., M. P. Wagh, and S. Rawat. “COFORMER SELECTION: AN IMPORTANT TOOL IN COCRYSTAL FORMATION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 9-14,



Review Article(s)