
  • Junaidu Yakubu M. Department of Animal Health and Husbandary, Audu Bako College of Agriculture Danbatta, P.M.B. 3159, Kano, Nigeria.


Anesthesia, Cats, Diazepam, Ketamine, and Physiological parameters


Objective: The present study aims to determine the effect of time influence on rectal temperature, respiratory and pulse rate, onset and duration of action, duration of recumbency and recovery following ketamine and diazepam administration in cats.

Methods: Experimental study design was used on 20 cats (males and females) randomly divided into two equal groups (A and B). Ketamine (10 mg/kg i. m.) was administered to group A in the morning. The same procedure was repeated using different dosages (15 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg i.m.) at intervals of 3 days each. A similar procedure was applied to group B in the evening. A week after, diazepam (1.5 mg/kg, 2.5 mg/kg and 3.5 mg/kg i. v.) were administered to group A and B using the same procedure used in ketamine administration. All baseline measurements were recorded after each drug administration and were repeated at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 min intervals after induction of anesthesia with ketamine and diazepam.

Results: It was found that the onset of action of ketamine following i. m. administration was slightly longer at evening (2-5 mins) while that of diazepam was instant after i. v. administration. The duration of recumbency was shorter in the morning using ketamine while longer following diazepam (7-19 mins) administration. The rectal temperature, respiratory and pulse rate were lower in the morning following ketamine and diazepam administration even though, the respiratory and pulse rate decreases as the dose was increased but not statistically significant. The duration of action and recovery was significantly longer in the morning after ketamine and diazepam administration.

Conclusion: According to this study, there was not much difference between morning and evening administration using both drugs. However, it should be noted that influence of time of administration was evident in some of the parameters measured especially with diazepam.



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Author Biography

Junaidu Yakubu M., Department of Animal Health and Husbandary, Audu Bako College of Agriculture Danbatta, P.M.B. 3159, Kano, Nigeria.

Msc. Scholar school of public health SRM university chennai india


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How to Cite

M., J. Y., A. ABDULLAHI, B. . M., and O. K. I. “THE EFFECT OF TIME INFLUENCE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS FOLLOWING KETAMINE AND DIAZEPAM ADMINISTERATION IN CATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 363-6,



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