
  • Chandan Das The pharmaceutical College, Barpali, Bargarh, Odisha 768029
  • Priyanka Debta The pharmaceutical College, Barpali, Bargarh
  • Debajyoti Das Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University
  • Goutam Ghosh Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University


Sida rhombifolia, Microscopic study, Physico-chemical investigations, Fluorescence analysis


Objective: To investigate the cytomorphological and physico-chemical characteristics of Sida rhombifolia.

Methods: Fresh leaves, stems and roots were studied for microscopical characters and dried powder of leaves, stems and roots were subjected to physico-chemical analysis using standard methods.

Results: The detail microscopy of leaf revealed the presence of paracytic stomata, unicellular covering trichome, cluster of calcium oxalate crystals, lignified xylem, non-lignified phloem; presence of both simple and compound starch granules, pitted, spiral and annular xylem vessels were found in stem; and section of root found to contain cortex of polygonal and rectangular cells with brownish content, both lignified and nonlignified fibres, xylem vessels of spiral, annular thickening, and squarish type of crystals. Leaf constants such as stomatal number, stomatal index, and vein-islet number along with the dimension of starch grains were measured. Physico-chemical parameters such as ash values, extractive values, loss on drying, fluorescence analysis, behavior of powder drug with different chemical reagents, etc. were also determined. Preliminary photochemical screening of plant parts showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenolics, tannins, saponins, steroids and amino acids.

Conclusion: The microscopic study and physico-chemical analysis of Sida rhombifolia (S. rhombifolia) are useful in standardization for detrmination of quality, checking of purity and identification of the sample.



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Author Biography

Chandan Das, The pharmaceutical College, Barpali, Bargarh, Odisha 768029

Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Assistant professor


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How to Cite

Das, C., P. Debta, D. Das, and G. Ghosh. “CYTOMORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL STUDIES OF SIDA RHOMBIFOLIA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Oct. 2015, pp. 46-56,



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