
  • Fouad El-akhal
  • Raja Guemmouh
  • Saad Maniar
  • Khalid Taghzouti
  • Abdelhakim El-Ouali Lalami Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of Epidemiological and Environmental Hygiene, Regional Health Directorate, EL Ghassani Hospital, 30000 Fez, Morocco


Objective: We evaluated the properties of larvicidal activity of essential oils of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum majorana family of Lamiaceae collected at Taounate province in the North East of Morocco, against the larvae of the malaria vector Anopheles labranchiae (Diptera: Culicidae). There are no published data on the effect of these plants on this mosquito, formerly responsible for indigenous malaria.

Methods: Biological tests were realized according to a methodology inspired from standard WHO protocol, slightly modified, using the Ethanol as a solvent instead of DMSO. The method consists of making expose the larvae of stages 3 and 4 of the species An. labranchiae to the various concentrations of essential oils. After 24 h of contact, we counted living and dead larvae.

Results: The mortality percentages were determined after 24 h. Lethal Concentrations (LC50 and LC90) were calculated and measured. They were respectively of the order of 351.63 µg/ml and 621.34 µg/ml for the essential oil of Thymus vulgari; whereas Origanum majorana were found of the order of LC50 = 107.13 µg/ml and LC90 = 365.9 µg/ml.

Conclusion: The results could be useful and interesting for the new application in the production of biocides against the larvae of Anopheles. Also, this information will be needed for the control program and for improving the vector control practices.

Keywords: Thymus vulgaris, Origanum majorana, Larvicidal activity, Anopheles labranchiae, Biological tests, North Eastern Morocco


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How to Cite

El-akhal, F., R. Guemmouh, S. Maniar, K. Taghzouti, and A. E.-O. Lalami. “LARVICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ESSENTIAL OILS OF THYMUS VULGARIS AND ORIGANUM MAJORANA (LAMIACEAE) AGAINST OF THE MALARIA VECTOR ANOPHELES LABRANCHIAE (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE)”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 372-6,



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