Innovare Journal of Sciences <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 15.0pt; background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 7.5pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Open Sans',sans-serif;">Innovare Journal of Sciences is a peer-reviewed and open-access Journal, published annually onward Jan 2022 (single volume with a single issue for each calendar year). The accepted articles are published online immediately after the acceptance. It is dedicated to publishing good quality research work &amp; patents in the sciences. It has been created to facilitate the exchange of information about the latest and future scientific discoveries and stimulate global research activities on earth and the universe. The Journal's scope is with the emphasis on <strong>Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics</strong>. It also includes other areas such as Nature Science, Environmental &amp; Atmospheric Science, Space science, Animal Science, Industrial Science, Water Science, Bio-medical Science, Forest Science, Planet Science, Travel &amp; Tourism Science, Soil Science, Earth Science, Bio-resource Science, Fuel Science, Geographical science (Ocean science, Mountain science, River science), Disaster science (Earthquake, Tsunami &amp; Volcano science), Population science, Magnetic science. The Journal publishes original research work either as an original article or a Short Communication. Review Articles on a current topic in the said fields are also considered.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Abstracting and Indexing</span></strong></p> <p>OAI, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CNKI (China Knowledege Resource Integrated Database)</a>, LOCKKS, Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway), UIUC</p> <p><strong>ICV- 3.18 (2012)</strong></p> en-US (Editor) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 16:47:21 +0530 OJS 60 THE CHARACTERIZATION OF ANGWA-KEDE LITHIUM ORE, KOKONA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA <p>This research on the characterization of Angwa-Kede lithium ore, Kokona Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria, was carried out to identify the mineralogical content, elemental composition, and the percentage content of lithium(Li) present in the ore. The research employed a systematic sampling method for obtaining lithium ore at various lithium mine pit and a weight sample of 100g was pulverized and analyzed using X-ray flourescence analysis (XRF) for elemental characterization, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) for identification of mineralogical phases, and flame test analysis for identification of lithium concentration. The Flame Test result revealed that lithium concentration in the ore samples from the mining pit sites is found to be 0.3 and 1.85%, respectively, and thus are low-grade lithium ores. The XRD results revealed that the mineral phases in the lithium ore are: Quartz, albite and muscovite as major phases while petalite, lepidolite, and spodumene are the minor phases in the matrix of the ore samples. XRF result shows that: Al, Cl, S, Si, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, and P have percent significance values and are the major elements while others such as Cu, Ti, Mo, and Sr have minor percent values (minor elements). Conclusively, a more appropriate beneficiation process can aid in increasing the grade of the ore and this can be beneficial to the nation’s metallurgical industry.</p> EBIKEMEFA EBIMOBOWEI CLINTON, RAMALAN ALIYU MOHAMMED, DUNGKA THOMAS Copyright (c) 2025 EBIKEMEFA EBIMOBOWEI CLINTON, RAMALAN ALIYU MOHAMMED, DUNGKA THOMAS Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0530