Published/unpublished book chapters (Research article/Review article) are invited for the following edited books with ISBN.
4th International Conference on Innovations in pursuit of excellence in pharmaceutical and applied sciences with industrial implications(28-29 Sept 2020)
Who Are We
Many Journals of Innovare academic sciences are abstracted in leading abstracting and indexing data bases, including the Google Scholar, Scopus, Elsevier, EBSCO, EMBASE, SCI mago (SJR), CAS, CASSI (American Chemical Society), Index Copernicus, ICAAP (International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication), Open-J-Gate, Socolar and progressing in chemical abstract,etc.
What We Do
Journal Publication
Innovare Academic Sciences welcomes learned societies, institutions, academic & professional communities for publication of new journals in different disciplines.
IPR/Patent Drafting
Innovare intellectual property services enables clients to develop comprehensive IP protection plans that take full advantage of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other forms of IPR.
Book Publication
Innovare Academic Sciences fascilitate authors with create, print, publish and sell their books through all major retail channels in various disciplines with ISBN.
We happy to support authors and publishers with our efficient copyeditng and typesetting services that enhance quality of the publication.
Journal Subscription
Innovare Academics provide the facility of online and print subscriptions of individual journals as well as package subscription to our users, libraries and institutions.
Conference Proceedings & Abstracts
Innovare Academic Sciences calls for full conference proceedings and abstracts in our journals of varied desciplines.
Our Journals
Choose from our publishing journals suited for your title
Our Books
Our experience working with Dr. Anurekha Jain, Innovare
Academic Sciences Private Limited, these past few months has
been Satisfactory. Dr. Jain & the Team provide professional and
highly efficient service, quick response time and
communication making this a valuable and smooth process for
us. We would definitely recommend their services to others for
PhDs, manuscripts, Patents or other important writing.
Sudarshan Banerjee
Director, Chimera Gentec